You’ve received your crystals, now what?!

You’ve received your crystals, now what?!

Did you know, to get the most from your crystals, you should  ‘activate’ them and set your intentions with your crystals?! 

Alot of crystals have MANY different properties. If you have a clear goal, result, or intention you want from the crystal, you need to tell it what you want!!  Look at it like a taxi driver, if you want to go somewhere, you need to tell the driver where you need to go! If you want a certain result from your crystal you need to let it know… 

We do this by setting INTENTIONS! 

So how do we do this?! 

1. Cleanse the Crystal:

Although all our products are cleansed and charged before they leave for delivery. It is will a good idea for you to cleanse the crystal yourself, incase of any energies picked up through the delivery process! You can do this by placing it on Selenite, by rinsing it in running water (not recommended for crystal bracelets and make sure your crystal is water safe) smudging it with sage, Palo santo or incense, or leaving it in moonlight or sunlight for a few hours.

2. Find a Quiet Space:

Create a calm and peaceful environment for your intention setting. This could be a quiet room, or anywhere you feel comfortable.

3. Center Yourself:

Take a few moments to relax and clear your mind. You can practice deep breathing or meditation to ground yourself.

4. Hold the Crystal:

Sit or stand comfortably and hold the crystal in your NONE DOMINANT hand. Close your eyes and focus your energy on the crystal.

5. State Your Intention:

Speak your intention SEVEN time out loud or in your mind. Be clear and specific about what you wish to manifest or the goal you want to achieve. Visualize it as if it has already happened. If you aren’t sure which intention to use, I provide affirmations you can use, to match each crystal at the bottom of your crystal card! 

6. Feel the Energy:

Connect with the crystal's energy, you can do this by paying attention to any sensations or emotions you experience. Some people may feel warmth, tingling, or a sense of calm.

10. Trust and Patience:

Remember that setting intentions with crystals is a process, and results may not be immediate. Trust in the process and be patient.

For the muggles - 
Whether or not you believe in the metaphysical properties of crystals, the act of setting intentions can be a powerful tool for focusing your energy and motivation towards your goals.


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